Meyer Clinic

Facial Veins Treatment

Facial Veins Treatment

Meyer Clinic specialises in the elimination of spider veins on the nose and face.

Facial treatment | Meyer Clinic

Safe & Effective

At Meyer Clinic, we offer leading-edge facial (spider) vein treatments to ensure we deliver the safest most effective solutions to our clients.

During consultation, our skin specialists will analyse a client’s skin before creating a bespoke course of treatment. Depending on the extent of the facial veins, whether they are isolated or in clusters, treatment can include Skin Rejuvenation by Elos, a gold-standard treatment that uses Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) to safely and effectively fade the appearance of facial red veins, and/or Advanced Cosmetic Procedures (ACP), an electrolysis treatment that delivers fantastic results particularly on isolated facial veins.

Book a consultation with one of our skin experts to start your journey to a vein-free face >

This treatment uses Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) to safely and effectively fade the appearance of facial red veins. At Meyer Clinic our expert aesthetic therapists use Skin Rejuvenation to achieve fantastic results. IPL works by picking out the red pigment of the veins and then breaking it down through targeted heat. The focused light eliminates only the red veins, leaving the surrounding skin healthy and vein free. Results can be seen in one treatment.

ACP is an advanced electrolysis that can often produce immediate results in the removal of facial veins. The treatment works by placing a tiny pre-sterilised probe onto the surface of the skin which releases a burst of radio frequency energy in the form of heat  for a quick second drying out the blood flow. Performed by our skilled aesthetic therapists electrolysis facial thread vein removal is safe and effective. In many cases, results are instant after just one treatment.

Broken blood vessels on the face are enlarged blood vessels that occur just beneath the surface of the skin. In many cases, they are as a result of exposure to the sun, with the sun’s rays enlarging the blood vessels and drawing them closer to the skin. Protecting the skin from harmful rays can play a role in preventing facial veins from developing. ZO Broad Spectrum Sunscreen is a lightweight, mineral SPF 50 sunscreen that offers daily multi-defence protection for even the most sensitive skin types. It offers sun protection while enhancing the skin barrier to prevent dehydration from daily environmental exposure.