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Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and lethargy.

Depression | Meyer Clinic

Combination Treatment

Depression affects how a person feels, thinks and behaves and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems.

Sufferers have trouble doing normal day-to-day activities, and sometimes they may feel as if life isn’t worth living.

Depression isn’t a weakness and a sufferer of the disorder can not simply “snap out” of it. Depression may require long-term treatment.

Signs & Symptoms

There are a number of signs and symptoms that can indicate whether a person is suffering with depression. These can include feelings of sadness, tearfulness, emptiness or hopelessness; angry outbursts, irritability or frustration, even over small matters; loss of interest or pleasure in normal, everyday activities; sleep disturbances, including insomnia or sleeping too much; tiredness and lack of energy; reduced appetite and weight loss or increased cravings for food and weight gain; anxiety, agitation or restlessness; feelings of worthlessness or guilt; and trouble thinking, concentrating, making decisions and remembering things.

Treatments for Depression

As well as making changes to lifestyle such a diet and vitamin supplementation, medications are effective for most people with depression. There are many types of antidepressants available. At Meyer Clinic, we work with patients to find the best course of treatment for them. This may result in a combination of medications to find one that works.

Hormone Therapy

Hormonal imbalance is a major contributor to mood disorders and therefore balancing hormone levels can be used in treatment. At Meyer Clinic, we see many patients who have been diagnosed as being depressed and are looking to find out whether there is an underlying hormonal imbalance to explain their change in mood. A bespoke treatment plan of bioidentical hormones is then prescribed along with appropriate support and participation from the patient.

Nutritional Therapy

In addition to traditional treatment such as medication and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) diet can be a powerful tool for sufferers of depression and anxiety. Although no single food group can ease the symptoms or  instantly boost mood, a healthy diet may help as part of an overall treatment plan. If you are suffering with depression or anxiety our Nutritional Therapist Dominique Ludwig can work with you as part of your journey towards improved wellbeing.

DUTCH Testing

Dried Urine Testing for Comprehensive Hormones (DUTCH) may be recommended for individuals who are  suffering with depression. This hormone urine test is a particularly effective way to understand how your hormones are affecting your health and mood. It may be that you may have low DHEA Levels, a  “feel-good” hormone produced by your adrenal glands which can cause depression. Results from the DUTCH test can be used to inform treatment.

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