Meyer Clinic: feel better, look better

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Clinically proven to increase the numbers of hair and hair thickness after treatment


NEW Treatment: PRP Now available at Meyer Clinic

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a well known and trusted treatment to support hair thinning and hair loss, this is clinically proven to increase the numbers of hair and hair thickness after treatment.

What is PRP? This is certainly not a new treatment in the medical and aesthetic field and has stood the test of time. Overall – PRP can be applied to any area that needs rejuvenation. At Meyer Clinic, we are introducing it to support hair growth.

Hair loss is a major issue for both men and women, and we know that there are many factors influencing this.

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The patient journey includes coming into clinic and having a consultation. Your blood will be taken, and specially spun in a centrifuge which then separates the plasma and platelets. The active part is then be directly injected back into your scalp. This has the potential to re-energise the hair follicles, stimulate new collagen production, tissue regeneration and stimulate the anagen phase i.e., growth phase of hair.   

For most patients we typically recommend a course of 3-5 treatments, spaced 4 weeks apart to promote best results. After this course, we then recommend patients have a maintenance treatment every 4-6 months depending on the individual.  

At Meyer Clinic – we do support nutrition and functional medicine, so you will have the option of having your bloods checked to secure that you are healthy and ensure the best possible results for you! 

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