Cheek Fillers

Losing volume and the shifting of volume within the cheeks is a natural part of the ageing process, and for some people, this change is less pronounced, however Meyer Clinic understand that for some people, this process can result in an unbalanced face that looks tired and disappointed. The cheeks should always be viewed within the context of the whole face not in isolation, and at Meyer Clinic treatment to support cheek volume is planned as such.

At Meyer Clinic we apply dermal fillers to different planes of the face, which can give immense support to the whole face, including the jawline, with a very natural result.

Cheek re-contouring can be done via a needle with direct support, or a cannula, depending on the specific area treated. Treatment can be done in stages which will give the body time to naturally settle in the filler and change to shape, so patients look rested as opposed to having had ‘work done.’

For some patient’s cheek filler can also help with asymmetry, which is more noticeable the more we age, and the whole mid-face area can be supported by treatment, including the tear trough area. This is a highly successful area to treat and often only needs retouching every few years.

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