Meyer Clinic

Moles, Warts, Skin Tags & Milia

Moles, Warts, Skin Tags & Milia

Advanced electrolysis is arguably the most effective treatment for an array of skin blemishes.

Meyer Clinic aesthetic treatment | Chichester, West Sussex

Skin Blemishes

At Meyer Clinic, we have a specialist team that deals with the removal of  unsightly or bothersome skin blemishes such as skin tags, moles and warts.

We use Advanced Cosmetic Procedures (ACP) an electrolysis treatment that requires no injections or incisions and delivers immediate results, with minimal downtime.

ACP uses a short wave current directed through a sterile probe to either cauterise or lift away the superficial epidermis, depending on the type of skin blemish that is being treated.

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What you need to know

A consultation is required at which our specialist will conduct a test patch to gauge your skin’s reaction to the treatment and use this to discuss a treatment plan. If multiple treatments are required sufficient space will be left between each to allow skin to recover. The number of treatments required will vary depending on the proliferation of the skin concern.

Moles occur when cells in the skin form a cluster instead of being spread throughout the skin. These cells are called melanocytes, and they make the pigment that gives skin its natural colour. Moles may darken after exposure to the sun, during the teen years, and during pregnancy.

At Meyer Clinic, we offer several treatments for mole removal, depending on the mole’s size and location.

Advanced Electrolysis (ACP) – If the mole is small, it can be removed with Advanced Electrolysis (ACP) treatment. This uses uses a Thermolysis current and a very fine needle to either cauterise or lift away the superficial epidermis. ACP mole removal is a good option for removing a mole from the face as there is less risk of scarring.

Shave Removal – Moles that protrude from the skin can be ‘shaved’ off under local anaesthetic (which numbs the area being treated). This is usually done using a scalpel, and is relatively straightforward and painless. You may be left with a pink mark on your skin where the mole was, but this should fade over time.

Excision Removal – Some moles may need to be cut away via an excision. This procedure is performed under local anaesthetic and requires a small stitch in the skin afterwards. A small scar will be left, which will fade over time.

Warts are small, rough lumps and vary in appearance depending on where they are on the body. Warts are caused by an infection with the human papilloma virus (HPV). Warts are highly contagious, and close skin-to-skin contact can pass on the infection. The infection can also be transmitted indirectly from contaminated objects or surfaces, such as the area surrounding a swimming pool. After becoming infected, it can take weeks or even months for a wart or verruca to appear.

At Meyer Clinic, we offer several treatments for wart removal, depending on the size and location of the wart.

Advanced Electrolysis (ACP) – We can remove the wart with ACP treatment. This uses uses a Thermolysis current and a very fine needle to either cauterise or lift away the root of the problem. ACP wart/verruca removal is particularly effective even on the most stubborn warts.

Cryotherapy – Our skin experts can remove warts by freezing them. During treatment, liquid nitrogen is directly applied to the warts. This causes the warts to freeze off. Cryotherapy is particularly effective in treating warts of the hand, even when compared to traditional topical creams. It can also be helpful in treating verrucae.

Skin tags are small flesh-coloured or brown growths that hang off the skin and look a bit like warts. They are very common and harmless and can vary in size. Skin tags generally grow where skin rubs against skin or clothing commonly the neck, armpits, groins and under the breasts but they also appear anywhere on the body. You may want to consider getting them removed if they are unsightly and affect your self-esteem, or if they snag on clothing or jewellery and cause irritation.

At Meyer Clinic, we offer several treatments for mole removal, depending on the mole’s size and location.

Advanced Electrolysis (ACP) – We can remove skin tags with Advanced Electrolysis (ACP) treatment. This uses uses a Thermolysis current and a very fine needle to cauterise the tag. ACP skin tag removal is highly effective.

Shave Removal – Skin tags can be ‘shaved’ off under local anaesthetic (which numbs the area being treated). This is usually done using a scalpel, and is relatively straightforward and painless. You may be left with a pink mark on your skin where the skin tag was, but this should fade over time.

Excision Removal – Some skin tags may need to be cut away via an excision. This procedure is performed under local anaesthetic and requires a small stitch in the skin afterwards. A small scar will be left, which will fade over time.

Often mistaken for whiteheads, milia are actually keratin-filled cysts that form just under the skin, looking like white or yellowish bumps on the surface. Often referred to as  milk spots, Milia are usually 1 to 2 millimetres (mm) in size. They form when skin flakes or keratin become trapped under the skin. Milia most often appear on the face, commonly around the eyelids and cheeks, though they can occur anywhere on the body.

At Meyer Clinic, we offer several methods for the removal of milia.

Advanced Electrolysis (ACP) – Our specialists can use ACP to effectively remove milia. This uses a Thermolysis current and a very fine needle to either cauterise or lift away the superficial epidermis. ACP milia removal is a good option for removing milia from the face as there is less risk of scarring.

Needle Extraction – Once the skin with milia has been cleaned, a sterile needle is used to create a tiny incision and the contents of the milia are carefully extracted.

Prescribed medication –It may be more suitable to be prescribed a topical medication to treat the milia, but this is only for certain types of milia where physical extraction is not suitable.