Meyer Clinic is pleased to announce that it is working hard to address the urgent public health concerns by offering COVID-19 antibody test possibilities.
We have set up a special COVID-19 pop-up testing operation which is currently operating every Tuesday morning between 9am and 1pm at our clinic in Main Road, Fishbourne. It is available to everyone from babies up to centenarians.
It’s becoming increasingly more important to not only monitor who’s infected by the virus now, but also find out who has been exposed to the virus and cleared an infection, perhaps without even knowing it.
Like in most diseases, the human body produces antibodies to fight infections. We are offering a simple blood test that can measure antibodies making it possible to detect whether someone has been exposed to the COVID-19 virus.
Meyer Clinic is offering tests for COVID-19 antibody detection to help the identification of people who have been likely to develop antibodies to the virus.
Whether you want to know if you’ve had COVID-19 for your own peace of mind or need the information to be able to return to work this test can give you the answers.
Our FDA-approved test requires a simple blood draw, which is more reliable than a rapid blood spot or finger prick blood test, which may not contain enough blood to perform adequately. We look at immunoglobulins (IgM), antibodies that are part of our immune system. When we get an infection, such as COVID-19, immunoglobulins are produced, which attach to the virus and activate the rest of the immune system to attack and clear the virus. IgM is the first immunoglobulin to be produced and is a general antibody that can bind to many different types of pathogen. The presence of IgM is an indicator of early infection. IgG is a more specialised antibody that specifically binds to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The presence of IgG is an indicator of later stage infection.
Results are delivered within three working days.
Our COVID-19 antibody tests are available to all and cost £180. We offer special packages for family groups and businesses who wish to be tested.
Meyer Clinic Medical Director Dr Annelize Meyer said:
“We know how worrying this time is for people, unsure whether they have had COVID-19 or are still susceptible to the virus. We want to give people the option to find out for themselves so that they can take control of how best they move forward in these challenging times.
“These tests are also perfect for companies who want to test their employees as they can provide the information that may help determine who can return to work, enabling our communities to secure workforce.”
If you would like more information or would like to book a test, email
*Please note our Covid-19 IgG/IgM Antibody Test results should not constitute the sole basis for diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 but can provide Meyer Clinic and other health care providers with additional information to complement other diagnostics testing and patient assessment.
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